What is Clinical Negligence?

Clinical Negligence, also known as medical malpractice, is when someone in healthcare offers or gives a patient the wrong type of medication, makes a mistake during an operation, fails to ask for consent and fails to notify the patient of potential risks that may occur. When any of these situations occurs it is in no way at all the patients fault and so therefore, if there any permanent or even just temporary damage they are liable to apply for compensation. Know someone who is in this situation or perhaps you yourself have been through or are going through this? Well, check out this guide to Clinical Negligence.

Chile ordered to pay £20,000 to compensate Pinochet torture victim

Chile ordered to pay £20,000 to compensate Pinochet torture victim 

Chile were ordered to pay out £20,000 to compensate a Pinochet torture victim. In 1993, García Lucero’s first made a complaint about the torture he suffered, yet it didn’t start getting investigated until 2011, 16 years later.. The money he was given in compensation was for the torture he suffered but not only that, he was also given extra as “excessive delay” in opening an investigation for his case.

Article from the Guardian.

Serious Injury Claim

A personal injury and serious injury are actually two completely different topics, even though it may just seem as if they’re both the same. A personal injury is something that could be work-related, such as stress caused from work, something psychological, such as being abused when a child, a road accident or tripping over a pavement slab. Where as a serious injury is more to do with injuries to the spinal cord and head.

Serious injuries are more traumatic than other personal injuries and can affect more than just the person injured. Just like the name probably says itself, serious injuries need much more care and attention to them so getting the right treatment can be vital. But many people won’t just want medical attention, if your serious injury was at the fault of someone else then why not try and claim compensation? Yes, it can be a hassle and a long winded process, however, having someone put you at risk with serious injuries definitely entitles you to some sort of compensation. To find out how to claim compensation check out this advice page where you’ll find everything you need to know, Compensation.


Google pays $17 million compensation over privacy breach

Google pays $17 million compensation over privacy breach

Google pays out 17 million dollars in compensation after breaching rights of privacy, they have agreed to make this payout to 37 states in the US States over tracking consumers online without them knowing.

 Article from The Telegraph.

How to claim compensation…

Sometimes the person or business at fault will come to an agreement with the victim in order to bypass all the chaos of taking a case to court in order to get compensation, but in other situations this isn’t always the case; this is when you have to claim for compensation

If an agreement cannot be reached them to start a claim you must notify the police, who will take all the details needed to be able to present it to the Crown Prosecution Service who will then make the request in court. It is then up to the court whether you get compensation, and if so how much will be paid or wherever the defendant will do time in prison or not. If the defendant is given a prison sentence then they will not have to pay out any compensation. Compensation is not paid directly through the defendant to you. The defendant pays in installments or all at once to the court who then pass the money on to you. The court keep an eye on the money and make sure the offender pays it. It isn’t likely that you’ll have much communication with the offender as all questions and information you would like to know if asked through the court.

To read a more in depth version and all the nitty gritty information about how to claim compensation then click here.

Female RAF recruits win £100,000 compensation for injuries sustained while marching

Female RAF recruits win £100,000 compensation for injuries sustained while marching

Female RAF recruits win £100,000 compensation for injuries sustained whilst marching. Three female RAF recruits won this huge sum of compensation when they claimed that marching to keep up with the men caused them serious injuries. One of the three female RAF recruits apparently suffered from four pelvic fractures and was medically discharged in 2008. An MoD spokeswoman explained that where there is legal liability to pay compensation they will, they take the welfare of their recruits very seriously and have now reviewed their recruit training practices to reduce the risk of something like this happening again.

Article from the Mirror.

West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust pays out £230,000 in compensation claims from staff

West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust pays out £230,000 in compensation claims from staff

The NHS trust has paid out £230,000 in compensation claims to staff in West Hertfordshire hospitals. Many of the staff, patients and visitors have claimed hundreds of thousands of pounds in compensation due to accidents that have happened in West Hertfordshire hospitals. Some of the accidents include a television falling on a member of staffs head, this lead to a £20,000 pay out, a patients foot was run over by a bed, which got a £24,000 pay out. An employee slipped on sodden carpet and gained £3,003 in compensation, another member of staff slipped on a wet floor and got £9,000, as the accident caused her neck, back and leg injuries; and these are just a few of the accidents that happened..

Article from St Albans Review.

Stressed hospital chief wins £500k payout from NHS

Stressed hospital chief wins £500k payout from NHS

After suffering from work-related illness and collapsing in his office at work Roger Tarver retired on medical grounds from his position as chief executive of City Hospital in Birmingham. After collapsing at work Mr Tarver was diagnosed with acute stress and heart problems and not long after retired at the age of 51 on an NHS pension. Due to suffering from a work-related illness Mr Tarver was entitled to claim compensation and was offered £394,550 in compensation from the NHS. Mr Tarver retired from his position  in 1996 after discovering his illnesses and from there he began his journey to getting compensation. In 2009 he was finally rewarded with his compensation after working extremely hard for the NHS for over 30 years.

Article from Daily Express.

What is personal injury?

A personal injury is an accident that has happened but it wasn’t your fault, it can happen in a variety of places such as; at work, where you could develop a work-related illness or even a psychological illness caused by stress from work. Other ways you can get a personal injury is from faulty goods and services, a traffic accident, tripping over paving stones, an injury caused by a hospitals error to provide the right treatment or vaccinations or a psychological illness suffered as a result of abuse as a child. These are not the only personal injuries which could be liable to act upon, to find out more click here.


When someone suffers from a personal injury they do not want to just have to deal with it, because their injury is a fault of someone other than themselves and so therefore compensation is deserved. If you have suffered or are suffering from a personal injury then you should take time out to think about what to do next…


There are many actions you can take to deal with a personal injury, for example, if you have suffered from a road/traffic accident then you should inform the police and then contact your insurance company. In some cases someone’s injury can be really serious, in which case a doctor should be consulted so that if the case is taken to court the doctor can provide medical reports. Gathering information about the accident and injuries would also help to build a portfolio in which you could use within the case to help back you up and get you the compensation you deserve!


This may all seem very easy, however, you need to decide how you are going get your compensation as there are many different ways including; using a claims assessor, making a claim to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority, through criminal compensation order or by getting special Government compensation.

Finally, if you believe that you’re suffering from a personal injury and it has happened in the last 3 years then perhaps you should think about getting yourself some compensation! If you follow all the steps and information above then in no time will you have your compensation.